Friday, February 12, 2010

The dumbest Generation? Excuse me...

Think for a second. Humans evolve, we change, we alter our minds, and we adjust to changes. In regards to the video of Dr. Bauerlein that we watched in class he says that todays generation of people are the "dumbest generation." Dr. Bauerlein and his ideas regarding the "dumbest generation" are to me false, I do not exactly agree with his opinion. He goes on and on about how old knowledge is being forgotten. Isn't that just a part of life? I mean what i said before, humans evolve. How can you expect someone from 2010 to be able to be a history major on what happened in the time of 1650? In my opinion you cant. What i am getting at is how can he say that just because somebody has never heard of Moby dick that they are dumb? I guarantee if i asked Dr. Bauerlein about rap music, the latest gadgets, or what club i should go to in Philladelphia he wouldn't know what to say. How can he expect people of the new generation to know what the Old man and the Sea is? To some people that stuff is not important. To people like Dr. Bauerlein, Mozart, Moby dick, The old man and the Sea, Beethoven are all important things. Dr. Bauerlein does not see a positive side in today's youth. To him rap music is just loud obnoxious noise. Just because he doesn't like Ludicrous doesn't mean everyone else does. As time goes by new things become more special and some lose importance. Ludacris is one of the wealthiest rap artists out there. In his song "Big A$$ house" his second verse is as follows...

"I got the biggest house that you seen thus far, *yeah*
Twenty-two acres and it fit a hundred cars.
Five million dollars, I bought it straight cash,
and my fat bank account is out of your weight class."

This song that he wrote is about his life. At the time he wrote that song he did have a $5 million house and he did buy it with cash. He also does have just over 100 different cars which range from a quarter of a million dollars to 1.5 million. Now he lives in an even bigger more expensive house thats somewhere in the neighborhood of $35 million. So in 100 years i don't think that Ludacris will be forgot. He is one of the greatest rappers out there. His work 100 years from now will still be looked upon and listened to just how Beethoven and Mozart are still listened to this day. So for Dr. Bauerlein to not think that rap music is important is naive. Ludacris has his own foundation where he donates millions of dollars to help kids with disabilities. So other than being a rapper hes helping people. This is something that will not be forgotten in society.

Now let me get off my rant regarding Ludacris. I just cant fathom how Dr. Bauerlein thinks that today's generation is dumb. All the question that were asked by Jay Leno in the video i knew the answers to but just becuase the people in the video didn't doesn't make them dumb. I didn't know what the Dead Sea Scrolls were until about 3 weeks ago. Am i the dumbest generation? According to Dr. Bauerlein i am but i know that i am smart. I mean i made it this far in college/life so i must have some common sense.

All in all how can we be expected to remember information that happened 200 years ago. What happened 200 years ago doesn't exactly affect how i carry out my day. Yea what happened 200 years ago shaped today's world but how do you know that what is happening nowadays wont shape the world 200 years from now?


  1. "What i am getting at is how can he say that just because somebody has never heard of Moby dick that they are dumb?"

    I totally agree with you! Dr. Bauerlein seems truly ignorant. I mean, there are different levels of intelligence. These include logic, nature, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, etc.

    Great post!

  2. I agree with you the history bauerlein studied when he was a kid was more recent history. What we have to study is a lot longer ago than when he studied the "classics". when it comes down to it things change and so do the things people know.

  3. I would agree with the statement that rappers will be legends in 100 years. People like Mozart and Beethoven are who we made them into. We do not necessarily think of them as people but more as legends. We have a false image of these professionals. I hate how we look back at artists as immortals today. I think that Dr. Bauerlein is just as ignorant as he claims we are. When he talks about people of the past he talks about what he learned and most of what is taught to us in school is censored. I think when the truth about some of these legends comes out he might be surprised. The fact is that numerous painters and people of history were child molesters, alcoholics, druggies, and many other not so good things. He believes that we should know history as how it is taught but how can we know that what is taught is necessarily true.

  4. I hear ya there Dave. Dr. Bauerline is just a little too smart for his own good. If he thinks that remembering all the stuff from the past is more important than all that's going on today, then he's got some issues. Now I know that some people say that the key to the future is in the unlocking of the past, but for cryin out loud, you need to be in the present to do anything. My personal opinion is that as long as you know how to handle yourself and your life, then you're in good shape. Dr. Bauerline can go and keep preaching his thoughts, I know that they're not gonna change me or make me look at this world any differently.
