Thursday, March 18, 2010

George Orwells 1984

Without a doubt this book is extremely popular among readers. I chose to read this book because I had read it before whilst in high school. Now as you can imagine when i was back in high school I was not exactly fond of reading but this book really allowed me to stretch out and enjoy what literature has to offer. George Orwell's 1984 takes place in three roughly equal groups. Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania. George Orwell's 1984 is set in Oceania, which includes the United Kingdom, where this story is set, known as Airstrip One. Oceania is operated by a totalitarian society where the federal serviceman have complete /power over the inhabitants. The people of Oceania are subjected to 24 hour surveillance via telescreens. These people are constantly being watched and must also be careful not to commit a thought crime. A thought crime is when a inhabitant of Oceania can be arrested for just "thinking" about a conducting a crime. This goes to show that privacy is no longer a known word.

The main character in this story is named Winston. Winston despises the totalitarian rule over the people. He is a weak, frail, thin, and almost malnourished minor member of the ruling party. The inhabitants of Oceania are constantly reminded that "Big Brother is Watching YOU". This slogan is Oceania's primary means of propaganda. This slogan goes to show how little privacy there actually is. These posters are littered everywhere, set as a reminder for anyone who may even think about committing a crime. Big Brother is constantly watching you. Big Brother never actually appears in the Novel as a real person. So as far as i am concerned he may not actually exist at all but rather serves as a mental scare for the people of this totalitarian society. Big Brother is the perceived ruler of Oceania. His face is plastered everywhere bearing the message "Big Brother is Watching YOU". He makes you think twice before you do anything and i mean anything. One cannot even "think" about a crime. This goes to show how strict Oceania is.

All in all i really do like this book. It is extremely hard for me to find a piece of literature that actually envelops me. This book does this quite well. Except for Big Brother the characters seem very believable and very realistic. I also liked the part where O'Brian makes Winston confront his biggest fear of all; strapping a cage full of rats onto Winston's face. I thought it was funny how he wanted Julia to do it instead of himself. I also like the idea of how Winston and Julia met. Julia slips Winston a note that says "I love you" and from there their relationship begins. There relationship must be a secret. If any of the party leaders find out they risk punishment.

If a society like this were to actually exist it would be very scary. One must also think whether or not our U.S. Government is already doing this. I personally do not feel like i am being watched but you never know. The Government could be tapping everyone's phone and you would never know it.

Lastly, the question i ask is "Do you think that our current Government will ever one day become this strict?"


  1. You had a very interesting thought that Big Brother never really appears in the novel in person so maybe he is just a thought meant to scare people. I don't think our government will ever become this strict. I also do not feel like I am being watched or anything of the sort.

  2. I'd also have to say that this is a very good book. It's no wonder so many schools have their students read it. i also like how you pointed out that Big Brother never actually appears in the novel. This is something I never realized and makes perfect sense as a lot of things are made up to scare the people. I doubt our government will become this strict because I don't believe us people will let it happen. But there's definitely a possibility for it because with technology so advanced, we may never even know we're being watched.
